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The posterity of our founding rested upon the promise that an aristocracy of the people could sustain our ideals.  The idea of liberty, such as was declared by the colonists in the summer of 1776, can only endure as each generation struggles for its preservation. We believe the people are still responsible in forming a more perfect Union.  We find the people indifferent.  Join us here at as we dedicate ourselves to the unfinished work of this civic duty.

In history, an iconoclast was someone who was willing and courageous enough to point out dangerous myths. Literally, an iconoclast is an image-breaker. Tearing down myths was not an end, but a means to correct wrongdoing. Often this meant going against the grain. It meant spilling the tea. It meant having a willingness to stand out and up in front of an angry crowd. In many ways, teachers have always been perfectly placed to do this. A teacher’s aim is not to deconstruct alone, but to instruct, as well.  It is time to get schooled. It is time to confront our popular myths with candid truth-telling.

Welcome, my name is Mr. Review and it is time for ICONO-CLASSED.

What myths would you like to see exposed?
What topic needs some candid truth telling next?

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